How Finding the Right Answering Service will Put Money Back into Your Wallet

Hiring a telephone answering service like TAB Answer Network will immediately bring a host of benefits to your business, no matter the size and scale of what you’re doing.

Below, TAB Answer Network goes over a few ways that our phone answering service will help your business grow — both by saving your hard-earned dollars and while helping your business take advantage of new opportunities for growth.

Save on Training Costs

You can save, on average, about $4,000 in training costs per employee when you hire a telephone answering service like TAB Answer Network, not to mention the on-site training you’ll likely have to continue to give us your business continues to grow. A phone answering service can come at one, clean monthly rate with no unexpected expenses!

No More Receptionist Salary

In the United States, the average receptionist makes anywhere from $35,000-$60,000 annually, depending on the region in which you and your business operate. By hiring a telephone answering service you’ll no longer have to pay such a salary, and you’ll also avoid paying for sick leave, benefits, promotions, etc.

You’ll Never Miss a New Opportunity

You’ll be able to capitalize on more opportunities when you enlist the services of the TAB Answer Network. You’ll be able to focus on other areas to grow your business while always being in a position to service your existing customers, patients, clients while engaging with new ones.

Stop Paying for Overtime and After Hours

With TAB Answer Network you’ll never have to pay for overtime or after-hours services from your in-house employees, yet you’ll still be available for your customers outside of your hours of business.

Cut Equipment Cost and Save Real Estate

More employees mean more costs and fewer employees mean savings on things like materials, equipment, and snacks. TAB Answer Network provides a level of professionalism on the phone for a variety of businesses — all while saving companies and organizations hard-earned dollars in multiple areas.

If you have any questions about who we are and what we do, get in touch with TAB Answer Network today. We have a long track record of helping businesses save money and grow fast.

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