Virtual Office Receptionist: Service Efficiency for Hybrid Operations

Nowadays, it’s common for businesses to have both land-based and online operations. Some customers are more comfortable buying goods or conducting business at a traditional brick-and-mortar space while others prefer the convenience of online shops and services. And for both channels, a virtual office receptionist could improve operations and services.

The hybrid business model

The hybrid business model’s most basic premise is to utilize different channels to reach different audiences. Traditionally, businesses using this model make their products and/or services primarily available at their brick-and-mortar location and at the same time, make the same products and/or services available to customers through field sales, which usually include door-to-door sales, kiosks, store consignments, and special events.

When ecommerce exploded, businesses included a virtual platform into the hybrid mix. And these days, startups and new businesses utilizing the hybrid model focuses on two avenues: land-based store or office and an online order or ecommerce platform.

But whatever hybrid business model you adopt, a virtual office receptionist can help make hybrid operations more effective and efficient. Here’s how…

1. Outsourced virtual receptionist can help during peak season

At certain times of the year, your business experiences a surge in orders. Sometimes, these can be so overwhelming that your staff isn’t able to handle the pressure, which results in orders being delayed, order requests being lost, or worse, orders being completely overlooked. When you have a professional virtual or remote assistant and receptionist helping answer calls and take orders, you enable your staff to focus on getting the orders packed and shipped.

2. Remote live answering service as your professional order entry assistant during off-hours

A virtual office receptionist can also keep things running when you’ve closed shop for the day. Customers who wish to place their orders online will be accommodated by your remote assistant, where their orders will be promptly and accurate taken or their questions regarding any of your products will be answered according to what they learned about these during their on-boarding training.

3. Your go-to temporary service every time you are short-staffed

Last but not the least, a virtual receptionist, order entry assistant, dispatcher, or scheduling assistant can be your go-to temporary staff every time you are under-staffed. It will be to your benefit and advantage if you build a good relationship with an outsourced services provider as they can immediately send you the right team at a moment’s notice.

Is your staff overwhelmed with tasks and deadlines? Assign routine office tasks to a temporary virtual team to ease their workload. Contact contact TAB Answer Network today to discuss your needs and requirements. Please feel free to call (800) 880-4324.

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