In life-threatening emergency situations, the average response time should be between five and seven minutes. A delay of a mere 40 seconds to several minutes can result in the loss of a life. To mitigate this risk, you need a reliable dispatch center with a sound automated dispatch system for the timely dispatch of emergency assistance.
What is an automated dispatch system?
The exact specifications and technical details of an automated dispatch system may differ from one dispatch center to the next but they basically serve one purpose: to improve response time particularly in life-threatening emergency situations.
With this automated system in place, the call-answering and call-routing processes in your dispatch center is streamlined, which greatly improves efficiency and reduces the risk of costly errors and delays. And if you’re in the medical field, these errors and delays could cost a patient’s life.
Customized automated system
In order to serve your clients or patients according to your specifications, outsourced dispatch centers with automated systems allow you to provide specific instructions on the automated response(s). You can rest assured these instructions will be strictly followed to ensure your clients or patients are provided with the type of service they have come to know and expect from you.
If you need to reach the dispatching service provided but aren’t able to make a call, you can send them an email for further instructions. Likewise, any messages related to emergency calls made through your dispatch center will be immediately sent to you through email and/or SMS, whichever you prefer. If you have specific instructions for specific messages, you can rest assured these will be immediately executed.
These are, of course, what you can expect from a professional team of dispatchers that have been trained by a reliable and trusted provider. For a dispatch center, it is advised that you choose your provider carefully as lives are on the line here.
When choosing your dispatch center – automated dispatch provider, make sure that the dispatch agents have been extensively trained in communications. You need agents who excel in communications to effectively listen to callers, understand their needs, and accurately relay the message to you. Any mistake in this communications channel could end in disaster.
Do you have more questions about how an outsourced dispatch center with an automated dispatch system works? Please feel free to call TAB Answer Network at (800) 880-4324. You may also send them an email at for questions or inquiries on on-demand dispatching service and other answering solutions they offer.